Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Simon Says: Jesus

Simon attended a Jewish school last year, but is now enrolled in a Baptist Mother's Day Out program (yes, we are still Catholic) and the change has been more obvious than we thought it would be.  Almost a year ago during a quiet moment at Christmas Eve Mass, Simon shouted, "Happy Chanukah!"  Fast forward to two things he has said this week...

Me (during the car ride home from school where Simon was extra quiet):  What are you thinking about??
Simon: I'm thinking about how Jesus loves me. 

Simon (stepping in some water I had spilled on the kitchen floor):  Look!  I'm walking on water...just like Jesus!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

The 'Simon Says' posts bring a smile to my face every single time!! I tried to get Simon to sing a Hanukkah song to Katie and me when we saw him, but he wouldn't take the bait.