Sunday, July 20, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Getting caught up

I'm just going to post some random pictures for now to get up to speed.

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Monday, July 14, 2008

still getting unpacked

We're sans-internet, phone, and TV for the next week. Pictures of us sweating and swatting mosquitoes to follow.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Goodbye hangouts

Goodbye Vince Young's house.

Callie wanted me to post this. She loved the dog park. But Erinn and I kinda thought it smelled too much like pee.

Adios Chavez Ravine. A classic ballpark with none of the fancy amenities you see nowadays. Just like it should be.

If I knew goodbye in Korean, this is where I'd say it (Jeff?). What would a party for Katie be without karaoke?

Santa Anita. Simon was lucky enough to be born right across the street.

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Goodbye good eats (pt. 2)

Food. That's really what it's all about. While Austin is the epicenter of Barbeque and Tex-Mex, we found there's more out there. Here's what else we learned how to eat while out in Southern California...

Banh Mi. I guess it's Vietnamese for sandwich. I like to think of it as English for "cheap eats." Pictured above cost me $4.87. I don't know which is which, but I ordered a Cha Lua, a Thit Nuong, and a Bi. One of them is BBQ Pork, another is Pork Skin (cracklins, I guess?), and the last one is meat loaf. But it's not the meat loaf like you and I are used to. Oh well. As they say, "when in Alhambra..."

Dodger Dogs. It hangs over the bun. That's crazy. They're giving you more "meat" than you paid for. You're actually making money eating one of these.

I learned how to properly use my wok. And I used ingredients like fermented black beans, sriracha and sesame oil.

Good ol Tri-tip. You're the shotgun wedding of smoked brisket. Fast and dirty. While a brisket might take 12 hours, you take 45 minutes max and still taste just as good. From what I've heard about the meat packers, all the tri-tips go to California and all the briskets go to Texas. Damn shame there isn't more diversity in America.

The taco truck taco. When I worked as a furniture mover for the State of Texas out of high school, the guys I worked with called the taco trucks "roach coaches." It took a lot of courage to finally step up to the counter. I'm glad I finally did.

Ahh, sushi. I don't think I can trust it in Texas, no matter how fresh.

L.A. thanks for feeding us these past four years.

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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Goodbyes (pt. 1)

Goodbye 1500. You were good to us.

With your giant living that we couldn't fill.

And your tall toilet, complete with handi-capable pole.

Adios, South Pas.
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