Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Simon Says: The First Installment

It's Erinn. I decided to help beef up the blog a bit (that is until the baby arrives in five weeks) with some funny (to me) quotes from Simon. Since I am terrible at writing them down, maybe this will work?? Here are a few from this past week...

Me: (loudly to Simon who is playing in the other room) Simon, you need to come eat your lunch or else it's time to take a nap.
Simon: I can't mom. I'm playing baseball. The team needs me.

Simon: Where's Daddy?
Me: He's still on his trip for work.
Simon: I want to get him off his trip.
Simon: (a few minutes later) Don't worry, Mommy. Daddy will come home. (uh, I hope so.)

Simon: (while in the car) I need to go potty.
Me: Okay, we're almost there. I'm hurrying.
Simon: Slow down. You're driving too fast. You're gonna crash!
*note: I was not speeding

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Too funny! And you know he's parroting stuff he's heard, as well as coming up with his own! Keep on posting....