Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Simon Says: Jesus

Simon attended a Jewish school last year, but is now enrolled in a Baptist Mother's Day Out program (yes, we are still Catholic) and the change has been more obvious than we thought it would be.  Almost a year ago during a quiet moment at Christmas Eve Mass, Simon shouted, "Happy Chanukah!"  Fast forward to two things he has said this week...

Me (during the car ride home from school where Simon was extra quiet):  What are you thinking about??
Simon: I'm thinking about how Jesus loves me. 

Simon (stepping in some water I had spilled on the kitchen floor):  Look!  I'm walking on water...just like Jesus!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Hatch menu 2010

We're currently working our way through two boxes of Hatch chiles, so I thought I'd post what all we've made along the way.

The inaugural recipe is always the same.  Green Chile Cheeseburgers.  Where we go from there is what I enjoy.

First one:  Hatch Biscuit Sandwiches

Start with our regular biscuit dough, and add a couple chopped chiles



Add fried egg, bacon and cheese.

The biscuits were great by themselves, but everything's better with bacon... and american cheese... and a fried egg.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Simon Says: Boogers

Simon: Here, Daddy, hold my booger.
Andrew: Uhhh...okay.  Thanks.
Simon:  Don't eat it.  (pause)  It's like apple pie. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Simon Says: Special Treat

Simon (after eating only a tiny bit of dinner): I want a special treat.
Me: Well, you can't have one tonight because you had a cookie AND a lollipop earlier.
Simon (whining): But I WANT one.
Me: I know you do, but you've already had a lot of sweets.  Maybe tomorrow.
Simon (whining): But today is my BIRTHDAY.* 

*Note:  His birthday is May 7th. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Simon Says: Halloween Costume

I have been asking Simon for a few weeks what he wants to be for Halloween because I want to make his costume while I have a little time before Miles arrives.  He insists he wants to be a cow "like my friend, Jack", but I keep asking to convince him of something else because A. His friend is already a cow and B. I'm not sure my sewing skills could handle a cow.  Here was the conversation we had this morning...

Me: Simon, what do you want to be for Halloween?
Simon: a cow.
Me: Well, why don't we think of something else since Jack is going to be a cow.
Simon: a calf.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Simon Says: potty

Andrew and I spell everything these days to talk in "code" around Simon, but it looks like we need to figure something else out...

Me (to Andrew on a walk with Simon): When we get home we need to see if he needs to go p-o-t-t-y.
Simon (who likes to "hold it"): I don't want to go p-o-t-t-y.
Me: Do you know what p-o-t-t-y spells?
Simon: potty.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Simon Says

Simon: (while I am rubbing his back to settle him down for a nap) I don't want to take a nap.
Me: Well, we need to rest our body so we can have fun later.
Simon: I wish I was at a birthday party.

New phrases he's using:
"I'm sorry about that." (using in the place of a simple "I'm sorry.")
"I would love to, but I can't." (usually said after I've asked him to do something like clean up a toy)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Nature hike

It's my goal to get Simon out in nature as much as possible so that when he's old enough, he'd rather go hunt for crawdads than watch TV.  So we went on a nature "hike" along Shoal Creek a few weeks ago.  Now, typically a hike will be fore at least a mile or so, but when your stride only takes up a foot at a time, you're lucky to move 100 yards.

Ahhhhh, nature!  And housing.  And some bum urine that we avoided.

This is not a concrete sidewalk...

In fact, it just keeps going on and on....

Hot on the trail of some snipe.

Or at least some pretty flowers to take back to mom.

These two will do.

All this hikin' works up a powerful appetite for snack.  Goldfish while looking at the fish.  Perfect.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Simon Says: The First Installment

It's Erinn. I decided to help beef up the blog a bit (that is until the baby arrives in five weeks) with some funny (to me) quotes from Simon. Since I am terrible at writing them down, maybe this will work?? Here are a few from this past week...

Me: (loudly to Simon who is playing in the other room) Simon, you need to come eat your lunch or else it's time to take a nap.
Simon: I can't mom. I'm playing baseball. The team needs me.

Simon: Where's Daddy?
Me: He's still on his trip for work.
Simon: I want to get him off his trip.
Simon: (a few minutes later) Don't worry, Mommy. Daddy will come home. (uh, I hope so.)

Simon: (while in the car) I need to go potty.
Me: Okay, we're almost there. I'm hurrying.
Simon: Slow down. You're driving too fast. You're gonna crash!
*note: I was not speeding