Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Simon Says

Simon (upon finding the bag of "donation toys" I had hidden in his closet):  Hey, mom!  I found a bag of my toys that were missing!  Isn't that great?!?

Friday, February 18, 2011

family and food

Or, what makes weekends great.

Lazy mornings on the couch
"It's too dark in here"
Simon:  I got it.

Didn't have a copper penny around, but I do have a copper kettle.  Roux after an hour.  It looked a lot closer in color than the picture's showing.

Erinn said she could smell it from inside the garage.

 Father, Son, Holy Ghost and green onion bottoms.

As we all know, three hours isn't really long enough to "develop flavors" but it's dinner time.

Miles looks on, hungrily.

Pork Shoulder for potluck
Couple hours later.

Many more hours later.

Bros in the Kitchen


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Simon Says

Me (after Simon hurt Callie):  Simon, I am very disappointed in you.
Simon:  AGAIN?!?

Friday, February 4, 2011

When Snowmageddon meets Sickopalypse

Two epic things happened last night, it snowed and Simon got pretty sick. Not barfy sick or anything, just sneezy and snotty, almost like allergies.

When those two things combine you get snowpocalpse and sickageddon... or what ever I wrote in the title.

Woke up at around 3 to see it starting to snow.  Went back to sleep with thoughts of taking the boys sledding down the street in a laundry basket.

 Miles was ready to go sledding when he woke up.

But that thought was immediately squarshed when we saw Simon.  We relocated to the playroom. Dude was sick.  Don't believe me...?

Got a fire going and put Babe on.
The sun started creeping in and it was too bright, hence the sunglasses.

Callie was not bothered by the sun, or the fact that she's on Miles' beanbag.

We made sure Miles kept his distance from Simon.

After Babe, we all got a nap in on the sofa bed.

Finally Simon said he wanted to go play in the snow.  At this time, it had pretty much melted away.  But after seeing everyone else's pictures of kids playing in the snow on facebook and blogs, we figured we'd give it a shot.

Here's what we got from the great snow storm of 2011:
And that's when I decided it was time to go back inside.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cocktails at the Paramount

Finally got to bring our show, "Cocktails with Larry Miller" to Austin.

The Windlers, from L to R: Carey, Joan, Larry, Jennifer, Erinn and me.

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