Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Independence Day Parade

We found ourselves downtown last Saturday at the Farmer's Market, but took a detour to watch the Independence Day Parade.  The camera ran out of juice before we left, but it was fun, if not hokey.

Simon:  "You promised me freshly squozen orange juice and here we are, sitting on Congress Ave, waiting for a parade that won't start for another 20 minutes.  This isn't even my regular stroller.  This is the emergency stroller.... I hate this haircut."

Andrew:  "We'll get you some juice and that hair will grow ba- Oh look it's David Thomas!"
Erinn: "Who?"
Andrew:  "You know, he played Tight End.... nevermind, here comes a canon."

Yes, they shot it off.  Several times.

Davy Crockett everyone!

Andrew:  Simon, check out that big Texas flag!
Simon:  Yay runners!
Andrew:  That was a couple weeks ago.  We've moved on.

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