This was Simon's second trip to big D during Texas - OU weekend. This time though he got to sample everything that's right with America, fried foods. Last year, it was a steady diet of breast milk.
First stop, as always is the Czech Stop in West. I've even heard that the Czech Stop isnt even the best bakery in West. There's supposedly an even better kolache a couple blocks away. I won't ever make it that far. Simon picks out his kolache.
The sad thing is I always have my blinders on when going into the Czech Stop. It's always the same order... I didn't even notice the "maple twist with bacon" until the trip home. It's basically a maple roll with bacon crumbled on top.
After we ordered today, I saw it and pointed it out to Erinn the same way a kid points out a sugary cereal to his mom at the grocery. "Erinn, look!"
Her reply was "I don't want that."
Uhh, it's not for you... Next time.
Patiently waiting for mom to dish out the goods.
We went to the State Fair on Friday so that Simon could get all the fried foods he could handle. Such as...
Why yes, I do want.
more coming.