Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Simon makes triumphant escape from the womb

Erinn is probably the most organized person I know. She's got everything on a calendar and writes a checklist to make a new checklist. So it should come as no surprise that Simon Carey Windler was born on his due date, May 7th.

Along with being supremely organized, she's one of the most teacher-y persons I know. So it should also come as no surprise that we left for the hospital at 8am and Simon was born at 3pm.

Here are the first of many pictures of Simon. He came in at 7 pounds, 14 ounces and a length of 20 inches. Erinn did fantastic. I didn't pass out. In fact, the doctor said I did such a good job cutting the cord that he'll let me do the circumcision later today.

It would be disingenuous to put up just the cute pictures, so here's one where he looks like an old man. Probably less than 10 minutes old here.

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